Information Collection & Use
SoCal Kitchens is not the sole owner of the information collected on its website. This site was made utilizing as the website builder. Please visit: to learn about wix's privacy policy.
SoCal Kitchens may share your personal information internally so that we can personalize our interactions with you and provide you with information and/or offers tailored to your interests. You may therefore receive direct marketing from SoCal Kitchens. We will not sell, share, or rent this information to others. collects information from our customers at several different points on our website including the contact pages. This information is used for the sole purpose of providing you the best possible service when requesting information or ordering products.
When you place an order, we request contact and credit card information. This information is used strictly for billing purposes and to successfully complete and fill orders. If we should have trouble processing an order, the contact information is used to get in touch with you.
Security takes strong precautions to protect your information both online and offline. We use a variety of technical solutions to make shopping safe at our website. Your information is encrypted and is protected by industry-standard Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software. While we use SSL encryption to protect sensitive information online, we also protect your information offline. All of your customer information is maintained in a restricted section. Only those of our employees who need the information to perform a specific job function (for example, customer service representatives) are granted access to personally identifiable data.
California Resident's Rights to Personal Information
If you are a resident of California, you have the right to request from businesses a disclosure of data collection and sales practices in connection with your data. This includes: categories of personal information collected, the source of the information, use of the information and - if the information was disclosed or sold to third parties - the categories of personal information disclosed or sold to third parties and the categories of third parties to whom such information was disclosed or sold.
As a California resident, you are afforded:
The right to request a copy of the specific personal information collected about you during the 12 months before your request
The right to have such information deleted (with exceptions)
The right to request that your personal information not be sold to third parties, if applicable
The right not to be discriminated against because you exercised any of these rights.
How to Exercise Your Rights Regarding Your Personal Information
You may request a disclosure report regarding your personal information and/or request that your personal information be deleted from our database. To make this request, please email us at Please note, we take security measures to identify our consumers to a reasonable degree of certainty prior to providing any information or processing requests. SoCal Kitchens does not sell your personal information without your consent.
Our website uses "cookies", small pieces of data stored on your computer and delivered through your Web browser. Most, if not all, e-commerce merchants now use cookies. By using this technology we can provide you with an enhanced shopping experience. It is possible for you to turn off cookies in your Web browser. If you do this, you can still browse our website, but we will not be able to provide you with a more personalized shopping experience or accept online orders from you. Please call us at 323.484.3228 if you would like more information or if you would prefer to place your order over the phone.
Our website often contains links to other sites to provide you with the best information. is not responsible for the privacy practices of other sites you may visit.
If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please contact us by phone at 323.484.3228 or email us at